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The Essence of Reiki Healing

“As running water smooths the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to roll away, Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.”

“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing. This tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. The practice is taught by Reiki masters / teachers who have trained in the tradition passed on in person from master to student.

 We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being.

 There are many variations of Reiki, but in essence Reiki treatments can help the body emotionally or spiritually. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system.

 Reiki treatment is a process that anyone can enjoy in the normal course of their life. Reiki can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatments and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery.

What is Reiki Treatment ?

The method of receiving Reiki is simple. You lie on a couch or sit on a chair and relax. Then I gently place my hands on your body in a series of non-intrusive positions on or near the body. Then I let the energy flow to your body and get there where is needed to help to increase your immune system and help your body to heal itself. It also cleans and calms down your emotions and your mind, which is really important in the process of improving your health quality.   Sessions can take 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half, depending on the client’s needs. Reiki practitioners are not trained in diagnosis and will not predict any specific outcome from treatment. If people are concerned about their symptoms they should see a doctor.

What do Reiki treatments feel like?

Each person experiences Reiki differently depending on their individual needs at the time. Clients may or may not feel sensations during a Reiki treatment. Benefits reported by recipients include deep relaxation promoting a calm, peaceful sense of well being on all levels. Some people feel sensations of heat, tingling, or experience seeing colours, whilst others can have an emotional response, indicating that shifts are taking place, allowing harmony to be restored.

What is Reiki Distance Healing ?

  Reiki distance healing is when a Reiki practitioner sends healing energy towards an individual, group, event, or situation in the past, present or future. Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved, and will never override a person’s free will, nor cause harm. The only requirement for distance treatments is permission to have this energy flow to you and have a sincere willingness to receive and benefit from this energy. To receive a distance healing you do not have to be in a meditative state but is it is recommended that you set aside quiet time during the time the energy is being sent.

What do Reiki treatments do?

Reiki is a safe and soothing treatment that can be :

Comforting when life is tough

The relaxing nature of Reiki can be very helpful to people especially at difficult times in our lives. We can all feel overwhelmed or disconnected, sometimes there is a real sense of isolation, both emotionally and spiritually. Reiki treatments can bring feelings of peace and an ability to cope better with the challenges of life. Reiki can be beneficial in circumstances that are short term, but can also support people dealing with long-standing conditions, helping to bring comfort, acceptance and a more positive outlook.

Supportive during pregnancy

Reiki can be wonderful for pregnant women. Treatments can be very relaxing and enjoyable for the mother.

Calming for children

Children usually love Reiki. The length of a session is often shorter than it would be for an adult.

Reassuring for animals

Animals also respond well to Reiki, they too seem to find it relaxing and soothing

Helpful at the end of life

 In such cases Reiki can be a great comfort, helping to promote a sense of peace and acceptance for the dying and their families.

What are Benefits from Reiki ?

I have noticed that many benefits have been experienced by those who have received Reiki treatments.

They include:

 -Reduced stress & anxiety

-Increased sense of well-being

-Accelerated healing

-Pain relief

-Increased creativity

-Strengthening of the immune system

-Rejuvenation of body & soul

-Aid in detoxification

-Physical, emotional, spiritual and mental balancing

-Reduced sides effects of chemotherapy

-Spiritual growth

-Lowered blood pressure

  Although an immediate sense of peace and relaxation will typically be felt during the initial session, some people need a minimum of 3-4 hours of Reiki to heal from issues & conditions that they’ve suffered from for a while.

  You may feel heat, tingling, coldness and/or have visual experiences during your distant healing session. All are normal. If you feel nothing, or you fell asleep, that does not mean the treatment was unsuccessful. Rather, if nothing is felt that may mean that the healing energy was working on some issues other than physical, namely the emotional, mental or spiritual bodies as directed by your soul.

How much Reiki would I need?

 A single session may be sufficient, but it is best to discuss this with your practitioner. For instance, if you have long standing emotional or spiritual issues, a series of sessions may be beneficial. In general if you find that helpful changes are taking place, it is a good idea to continue treatment.

“I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.”

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